The main character, who has been married for three years, has a secret that he keeps from his wife....
It is... a desire to become a woman!
He has been worried about it for 3 years because he can't tell his wife...
When he boldly discusses his desire to become a woman with his best friend... she agrees to help him become a woman.
But then, his wife is suspected of infidelity...?
He and his best friend cooperate to investigate the affair, but the protagonist's choice leads to an unexpected turn of events...!Root's relationship with his best friend grows closer as he investigates the affair between his best friend and his wife
The route where he questions his wife about her affair and is taught the joys of being a woman by the man between themWhich one are you?-Доп. информация:
Eclectic Coupling Chart
Protagonist ♀♂Best friend ♂
Best friend♂XMain character♂
Wife♂XMain character♂
Intercourse man♂XWife♀
Intercourse man♂XMain character♀
Main character♂XBest friend♂
The male-male element is only a one.